Künstler Zürich

no comment: dots/straight lines, 2010/2011

„56034 dots“, 2009/10, ink marker on quad-ruled paper, 119cmx170

„56034 dots“, 2009/10, ink marker on quad-ruled paper, 119cmx170

„96035 dots“, 2009/10, ink marker on quad-ruled paper, 119cmx170

„198 straight lines“ 2009/10, ink marker on quad-ruled paper, 119cmx170

„198 straight lines“ 2009/10, ink marker on quad-ruled paper, 119cmx170

„283 straight lines“, 2009/10, ink marker on quad-ruled paper, 170x119cm

Nachtspaziergang, 2008/09, (series of 24) >>

Nachtspaziergang 2008/09, photography/ink jet print, 20.8x14.6cm

Nachtspaziergang 2008/09, photography/ink jet print, 20.8x14.6cm

Nachtspaziergang 2008/09, photography/ink jet print, 20.8x14.6cm

Nachtspaziergang 2008/09, photography/ink jet print, 20.8x14.6cm

le conteur, 2008 >>

2008 mechanical type writer cotton 280x33cm

2008 mechanical type writer cotton 280x33cm

2008 mechanical type writer cotton 210x33cm

2008 detail(1) mechanical type writer cotton 210x33cm

2008 detail(3) mechanical type writer cotton 210x33cm

2008 detail(4) mechanical type writer cotton 210x33cm

2008 detail(5) mechanical type writer cotton 210x33cm

2008 detail(5) mechanical type writer cotton 210x33cm

Poems and other options (2008) >>
mechanical type writer and acrylic on Chinese caligraphy paper, 24,8 x 28,3 cm
mechanical type writer and acrylic on Chinese caligraphy paper, 24,8 x 28,3 cm
mechanical type writer and acrylic on Chinese caligraphy paper, 24,8 x 28,3 cm
mechanical type writer and acrylic on Chinese caligraphy paper, 24,8 x 28,3 cm